Do you have great ideas, a huge dream or plans that go unaccomplished?
Are you finding that you just run out of steam, despite being able to visualise your goal and dream, you simply do not have the energy or drive to do it.
As women, we take on many roles. Being a wife, caring for children planning and ore preparing meals, handling finances, perhaps caring for elderly parents, helping with homework. Many husbands complain that their wives are just too tired. In many cases, women are too exhausted to think about intimacy, even though it is something that can help build into their relationships.
In an entrepreneurship program that I been blessed to be part of, I noticed more women than men are either overweight or not in the condition that they would like to be. We give so much of our energy to others, that sometimes there is just not enough left over for us.
There are countless mornings that I get up at 03H45 and get the kittens fed, start preparing porridge and then am at my desk at 04H0, completing something that needs to be done for the day. I did not take the time to brush my hair or take care of me. This year I have to be more deliberate about caring for me.
Although fatigue can affect many people. Women very easily fall prey to its debilitating clutches.
There are two main reasons for fatigue.
The first is poor health habits. If you are not sick or seldom visit a doctor and are in reasonably good health, this does not mean that you do not have fatigue.
Have a looks at your eating habits, your sleep patterns and general physical conditioning. Poor health decisions are a leading cause of good decision making, thinking and problem-solving abilities.
As a result, we can end up cynical and frustrated. We can lack the energy to sustain ourselves for the long haul to get the job done.
The second reason is no being about the manage how you process disappointments. You may have had a great many disappointments in life. Perhaps you lost a job, perhaps you set a goal and did not achieve it. Perhaps you lost money in a business venture, Perhaps you helped your child prepare for an exam and they failed anyway.
If we allow energy to be sapped by failure, then we give it power over us and that can cause loss of energy.
When knocks come from it, ask yourself, what did I learn from this situation and what is here to be grateful for.
Did you learn that you can survive?
Did you learn that you need to take responsibility for your own learning to get a promotion?
Did you learn that you could have negotiated better?
Did you learn that you need to teach your child better study skills?
Did you learn that you need to get better sleep?
I do not know what challenges you had this year. But I know for myself that my power does not sit in the hand of others. I can choose to care for myself better. I can learn to debrief myself and move beyond my current circumstances. I can learn to celebrate my personal victories.
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