The One Minute Millionaire

A review by Kim Vermaak

I have to admit, I love a good adventure thriller novel. The kind that makes you wish you had better speed reading skills, just so that you can race to the end.  Never before have I had that feeling about a business book.

That is because, as a stroke of sheer brilliance In this New York Times bestseller, Mark Victor Hansen, the mastermind behind the 65-million-copy Chicken Soup series, and Robert G. Allen, a pioneer in bestselling wealth-creation books, have actually combined their teaching into a business
book and a novel.

Don't let the butterfly on the cover fool you into believing this a pretty book with a whimsical theme.  The butterfly is merely a symbol of the transformation process that the heroine must take, But the story is one that talks directly to the heart of anyone who has had those hard knocks that some people never recover from, but the heroine simply must rise above.

All the business concepts, which can be read on the left hand side, are cleverly crafted into a Novel on the right hand side.

Imagine a moment as a mom, where someone takes your precious children. But somehow, as you are watching this vicious and cruel act, you are powerless to act.

If you want them back, you have to act quickly. Get a team together, Change the very way you think, you belief system, the way you act.  And just like any kidnapping, there is a time limit in which you have to acquire these new skills. As the count down for this book continued, I felt myself

sucked into the terrifying, yet exhilarating momentum of this book, when the main characters have to change what they know to get a result in record breaking time to get the heroine's children back.

The official version of this book is...

The One Minute Millionaire will show you how to:
•Create wealth even when you have nothing to start with
•Use the power of leverage to build wealth rapidly
•Overcome fears so that you can take reasonable risks
•Use “one minute” habits to build wealth over the long term

But I have to tell you, that this business book is one for every mom who wants to change her thinking to provide the best future for her kids, by changing her thinking and thus being role model for her children.

This book challenges your thinking and shoves you out of our comfort zone and excuses.
