Book Review: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be?

Are you stuck in a rut?

It is time to change for the better.

In the book, How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, Jack Canfield shares 25 Principals for Success.

This book is a work in progress for me, as I am currently reading it. But so far I can highly recommend it, not only for your own life but how to deliberately programme your children for success in their lives.

Currently, I am on the section of taking 100% responsibility for your life.

As a mom of three I regularly hear, "Mommy, Michael hit me in the back!", "Mommy, Nadine is feeding the kittens from her plate!", and other countless complaints and cries for attention from the family.

In the section of  Taking 100% responsibility for your life one of the first principals is to give up blaming or complaining.  It sounds pretty simple.  But if you become aware of how many complaints or blaming we hear every day, then you begin to realise that this is a deliberate action that you are going to have to take.

The equation is that


(Event + Response = Outcome).

Everything that we have in our lives is as a result of our response to an event.  While we are not responsible for everything that happens, we are certainly responsible for our responses to the event and therefore more in control of the outcomes.

This is a straight-talking book that includes examples of people, who have actively used some of these principals.  I highly recommend it.
