Do you have a block that is stopping you from being the person that you want to be?
Our natural state is to be moving towards unlocking our full potential and in happiness. Some unhappiness is just a reminder of our desire to be happy. It is a reminder that we need to get some stuff out of our way to get to a happier and healthier us.
This book's idea is based on the fairy tale that many of us read to you our kids. The princess, who lost her ball and then a frog offers to retrieve it in exchange for her doing something for him.
The outcome of the fairy tale is that when the Princess kisses the frog, he turns into a Prince.
It all sounds magical and wonderful, but can you actually imagine kissing a frog???
It is no small wonder that the Princess was reluctant.
I think it was for frog kissing princesses that Nike created their Just Do it campaigns.
There are no pictures of actual frogs in the book, but I am adding this one for some mental visual for you.
Maybe it makes me feel better about not kissing my metaphorical frogs. But part of the process is identifying who you are and forgiving yourself for past failures.
The opening section of the book covers seven truths about ourselves.
It takes you on a journey of discovering that you are an important and significant person and are a good and worthy person. It also shows how powerful your thinking is about can define your life.
It helps you to change from a mindset of blaming your circumstances and to create a life in a purposeful way.
I like the NOW DO THIS SECTIONS.... They help to guide you through a series of exercises.
In the end, you will be draining the swamp water in your life and filling it with new and fresh water.
This is an easy book to read and I actually enjoyed the exercises.
An example of the Now Do This activity is in the section that deals with resentment. In fact, certain political philosophies require an enemy to whom resentment can be directed at the justify the political policies or platform of that party or leader. I think that we all know political leaders who have done this, in history and in current politics. The book describes resentment as an emotional quicksand that we can get trapped in.
Identify one or two people whose success you admire and think of something that you could learn from them to achieve greater success in your own life. Resolve from now on never to envy or resent anyone who is more successful than you,
The Official Write Up
Just like the lonely princess in the fairy tale who was reluctant to lock lips with a warty frog and transform him into a handsome prince, something stops many of us short of attaining our dreams. Our negative thoughts, emotions, and attitudes can threaten to keep us from achieving all that we’re capable of. Here bestselling author and speaker Brian Tracy and his daughter, therapist Christina Tracy Stein, provide a set of practical, proven strategies anyone can use to turn those negative frogs into positive princes.
Tracy and Stein present a step-by-step plan that addresses the root causes of negativity, helps you uncover blocks that have become mental obstacles, and shows how you can transform them into stepping-stones to achieve your fullest potential. The book distills, in an accessible and immediately useful form, what Tracy has presented in more than 5,000 talks and seminars with more than five million people in fifty-eight countries and what Stein has learned through thousands of hours of counseling people from all walks of life.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” the authors quote Shakespeare. The many powerful techniques and exercises in this book will help you change your mindset so that you discover something worthwhile in every person and experience, however difficult and challenging they might seem at first. You’ll learn how to develop unshakable self-confidence, become your best self, and begin living an extraordinary life.
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